Zatour: Season 2 - Super League Wrapup

The season two of the Super League has finished recently, and Zahak claimed the first spot convincingly. Zahak had a close matchup with Nalwald, who came the second.

Loki, Lozza and CT800 all performed really well, they were competing for the third place until the very last rounds. At the end, Loki came ahead with Lozza and CT800 close behind. Barbarossa came distant sixth, and MinimalChess ended last.

In General, the level of the games were very high, and most of the games were full of actions. That doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement, I noticed that the time control for Super League was a little bit too short, and the number games was a bit too much. Zahak and Nalwald secured their positions 100 games before the tourney has ended.

Here is the standings at the end of the tourney:

 N Engine              Rtng   Pts  Gm       SB X   Elo Perf Za                                       Na                                       Lo                                       Lz                                       Ct                                       Ba                                       Mi                                      

 1 Zahak rev-a371bb864    0 192.5 240 19729.75 0 +2320 80.2 ········································ 000=1=01==1=1=10====10=====1====10=11=00 11=011=1=11=11111=1001=1==1101=11111=111 =11=1110=1=111111==1111=1011101111111111 ===11=111111=111111111111=111=1001111111 1=11111111==1111111111=01111111=1111111= 1111=11111=11111111=111111111=11=111111=
 2 Nalwald 1.9            0 167.0 240 17752.75 3 +1504 69.6 111=0=10==0=0=01====01=====0====01=00=11 ········································ ==1==0111101==0=100=10==1111011=1=111111 11111111=1=0=11111==10==11=1===101111=1= 110=11=11100=11=1110101=011=1=01=1=11111 11101111==1=1=111=1=0=11=1=101=110101=11 01111=1110111==1=11=11111===011=111=1111
 3 Loki 3.5               0 118.5 240 12040.00 0   -48 49.4 00=100=0=00=00000=0110=0==0010=00000=000 ==0==1000010==1=011=01==0000100=0=000000 ········································ 10=1=0==0000===101===0==00==1=0=0==001== 10=111=100=11011==1=01=1=01010=00011=101 00==1000001110==1=1=1111111111100===10=1 011=11=101==11111111=11=11111111=1=1111=
 4 Lozza 3                0 112.0 240 11131.00 0  -256 46.7 =00=0001=0=000000==0000=0100010000000000 00000000=0=1=00000==01==00=0===010000=0= 01=0=1==1111===010===1==11==0=1=1==110== ········································ =0==010001=010110==000001=11101001=01001 1=1=00100=100010=0011011101101==1101=1== 11111===111=1101111=1111=111111=1011=1=1
 5 CT800 v1.42            0 111.5 240 11163.25 0  -272 46.5 ===00=000000=000000000000=000=0110000000 001=00=00011=00=0001010=100=0=10=0=00000 01=000=011=00100==0=10=0=10101=11100=010 =1==101110=101001==111110=00010110=10110 ········································ ==1101=101=00==001=0=1==0=1110011101=111 111=11111111=0=11=110111111110=1==111==0
 6 Barbarossa 0.6.0       0  90.5 240  9563.00 0  -944 37.7 0=00000000==0000000000=10000000=0000000= 00010000==0=0=000=0=1=00=0=010=001010=00 11==0111110001==0=0=0000000000011===01=0 0=0=11011=011101=1100100010010==0010=0== ==0010=010=11==110=1=0==1=0001100010=000 ········································ ==00110=01=10110=01111110===00111111=011
 7 MinimalChess 0.4.9     0  48.0 240  5762.25 0 -2304 20.0 0000=00000=00000000=000000000=00=000000= 10000=0001000==0=00=00000===100=000=0000 100=00=010==00000000=00=00000000=0=0000= 00000===000=0010000=0000=000000=0100=0=0 000=00000000=1=00=001000000001=0==000==1 ==11001=10=01001=10000001===11000000=100 ········································

Next there will be the ZuFi, a 100 game match between Zahak and Nalwald 1.12, the time control is going to be 2h + 30 seconds.

The PGN of the games for the super league can be found here.

And you can follow ZuFi here
